Life Updates

WWW Wednesday Plus Life Update!

WWW Wednesdays are a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. It’s been a while since I got the chance to do one of these, but here we go!

What are you currently reading?

Monsterland ReanimatedThe Sword Swallower and a Chico KidBring Me Their HeartsRuler of Scoundrels (Chronicles of a Cutpurse, #2)

What have you recently finished reading?

Thomas Paine and the Dangerous WordDoom, Gloom, and the Pursuit of the Sun

What do you plan on reading next?

Pawns (Wielders of Arantha, #1)

So, onto the life update!

As you can see on my blog, I was really into blog tours for a while. Now, I realize that I don’t want to spend 90% of my time reading books specifically for tours, and so the tours are going to start winding down. Not completely stopping! Just winding down. I have maybe one or two a week planned in July.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I sometimes go into a gigantic reading slump during the summer months. I was worse this year by signing myself up for a lot of things, so I can already feel a slump coming on. Nevertheless, I still want to keep reading. This year I have joined up with a lot of amazing authors to be on their ARC teams, and I have fallen behind in reading those. Therefore, this summer will focus on pleasure reading and finishing up ARCs so that I start off with a clean slate for September. I definitely won’t be signing up for too many more tours. I just want to work through some of these short novels and write reviews for them.

On that note, I also wanted to mention that I have several non-tour related reviews coming up! I have been forgetting to do them, and so I am about 2 weeks behind on non-tour or release blitz reviews. I also haven’t told you all about any of my Online Book Club reviews, and I have done a few of those too! Hopefully I will be able to catch up before the end of June, and then start off without a backlog in July.

Thanks for sticking around until the end, and I will see you in my next post!

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  1. I am currently reading The Queens of Innis Lear 🙂
    I can see some great books in your post ..
    Happy Reading 🙂 !

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