Video Game Reviews

Video Game Tuesdays: Caveblazers Nintendo Switch Review

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I bought this game on sale for around 11 bucks, and boy was it worth it! This game is so much fun.

The main mode in the game is running through randomly generated dungeons. There is gold hidden throughout the dungeon that can be used at shrines for various gifts, blessings around the map for free that give you powerups, and items dropped throughout the map. Every 2 (I think) rooms, you get a random boss. The point of the game is really to die, as you get to just restart the dungeon and you might get a powerup that makes it easier to kill the monster and collect more powerups.

I haven’t gotten past the fourth room past the first boss yet in the time that I have played it, but it isn’t boring. Every single round of the game is unique, as the enemies and world are randomly generated. You don’t even know what boss you are going to get at the end, which has been ruining my chances of winning so far! But I just keep trying over and over again, hoping that the next round will somehow be better.

Then, there are different game modes. One of my favorites seems to be just wave after wave of enemies, with breaks every “wave” (like 5 mini-waves) so you can choose which items to use next. This is actually really good, as it gives me the chance to try out new weapons and powerups without potentially jeopardizing my actual dungeon run. It has also introduced me to quite a few new enemies that I had never met before, and I now know how to fight them in case I come across them in the deeper levels of the dungeons.

Then there are the daily runs? I’m not quite sure how those work yet, they seem just like the regular dungeon runs, except maybe with more enemies, and you get nothing out of it? Again, this game has a lot packed into it, so I haven’t even gotten the chance to try this mode out much!

Image result for caveblazers

On top of all this, there are perks that you can choose before you enter the main dungeon to change your playstyle. For example, if you love magic, there’s a perk that starts you off with a wand and no sword. You want to be a Grim Reaper? There’s a perk that starts you off like that. You can still collect items as normal, but this is a way to customize the playthrough to your own personal style. And then you can even change the look of the character with clothes that you win by leveling up in the dungeons.

There’s even a story! I haven’t unlocked much of it because I suck at the game, but I am seeing random NPCs come into my section of the dungeons and unlock different things for me. I can’t wait to see if more come and cooler things come the deeper I get into the mines.

Overall, for the cheap price, this was an amazing indie game. I would totally recommend it the next time it goes on sale over some of the 60 dollar 1st party Switch games (*cough* Dark Souls Sucks *cough*).

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  1. Great review 💣!!!

    1. Thank you!

  2. I wasn’t sure whether I should get my Nintendo Switch this epic roguelike platformer or not. Your review helped shed some light. Well done! This indie game does look amazing. I feel like Caveblazers makes an excellent Spelunky alternative. I will consider it. Thank you so much for the awesome review!

  3. There are so many great Rogue-Lites on Switch it’s hard to pick between them!

    1. I know! I have to get back into using my switch, but I am afraid of spending more money.

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