Life Updates

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

Before I get into anything, I just want to apologize for being so absent! I was rather busy last week, and so I was planning to catch up on reviews and posts over the weekend and schedule stuff for this week. Instead, I came home on Friday feeling ill, was sick all weekend, and then went to the doctor on Monday to find out that I have the flu! I was unable to use my computer ever since Friday afternoon because of that since I had to stay basically quarantined in order to not make my family sick. However, now I am feeling much better! I don’t want this to happen every time I get sick, but until I buy myself a new laptop/until I go to college this fall, I can’t use my desktop when I get sick. Hopefully, this will change this summer, when I plan to get a job. This is why I am flooding y’all with cover reveals and release blitzes, I am a day or two behind where I should have been.

Now that the life is out of the way, onto the questions!

What are you currently reading?

The Almosts: A Snowverse Novella (The Almosts, #1)

There are actually a few books by L.C. Mawson that I haven’t gotten to yet, and so I aim to have this trilogy finished within the next few days!

What have you finished reading?

Deception (The Transformed, #1)Watcher (Watcher #1)

What might you read next?

Fire and Bone (Otherborn, #1)

I will see you guys next week!

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