Video Game Reviews

Video Game Tuesdays: Wandersong Review

Wandersong, a musical adventure game!

Wandersong is an indie game made by about a bard who goes on a mission to find the Earthsong and save the world. The Overseers are dying, which means that the universe is going to be destroyed and replaced by a new one. A rainbow-haired girl comes to our bard and tells him that if he finds the Earthsong, a song that each Overseer has a single piece of, that he will be able to save the entire world from chaos. Of course, our happy little bard agrees to go on this mission and he starts off to find the Overseers. Some Overseers are willing to give their song to the Bard, others do not. The bard will also need to make friends on his journey so that he can reach the Overseers and find the Earthsong, one of his first friends being a mean young witch named Miriam. Will the bard’s song work, or is he just on some meaningless quest?

I LOVED this game. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I ever finished a game. I really can’t I just don’t finish games that often. But I pushed through all the way to the end for this one, as I wanted to see what would really happen. I was so invested in the bard and Miriam’s story that I didn’t want it to end. There were so many touching moments, this story touches on a lot more issues rather than simply focusing on the normal story tropes. There wasn’t really any romance between the main characters, the story was a true journey of friendship and of people coming together as one. I appreciated this. It was funny too and I was literally laughing along with the characters!

The gameplay is a mixture of platforming and rhythm game sequences. There are no real challenges as everything can be redone if you make a mistake, and the rhythm games might not always sound “right” but you still get points for them. The focus of the game is the story, not the gameplay. If you are struggling, you are probably doing something wrong. Have fun with it, that is really the point of this game!

The game does have its glitches. I had to restart it 3-4 times in my entire 10-hour playtime just to get a few of the glitches to go away. I’m sure that the team is working hard to remove them, and I never lost progress because of them. Thank you autosave!

Overall, this was a beautiful little indie game. I am so happy that Humble Bundle gave me the chance to experience it for free with my purchase of the Monthly package, and I can’t wait to see what hidden gems come this month! 4 days more to go, I’m excited.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a casual puzzle game with unique and loveable characters and an amazing story. You can purchase this game from G2A for less than a dollar by clicking on the picture above!

Overall Rating: 9.5 out of 10 Stars

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  1. This game is so damn cute! Just waiting on a Switch sale for it. 🙂

    1. Literally if you have a laptop just play it on there. I highly doubt your laptop couldn’t run it, it is a very simple game. 50 cents!

  2. Wandersong looks to be very interesting. Who knew platforming and music could mix so well. Excellent review!

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