Video Game Reviews

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 5 Review

The Gifted

Now that the team is back together, they have to work together in order to get the Sentinel Services off of their trail. Polaris and Eclipse shoot down a drone together, but then they run into Jace. Polaris decides to kidnap him in order to get information out of him about how they are turning the mutants against each other. They end up all having a bit of a conversation, where her and Eclipse learned about his daughter. Then Dreamer and Blink show up, where Dreamer tries to search his memories about the mutant facility.

Thunderbird works with Reed in order to lead the services away. Reed has to work with the man that he almost betrayed a few episodes ago, and he almost gets betrayed himself. However, he makes it back to his family, and he is determined to help the rest of the mutants with his knowledge of the law and police procedures.

Blink struggles with the memory that Dreamer gave her, and eventually confronts her about going into her head.

Jace loses most of his memories due to Dreamer’s rushed gift, and has to go through losing his daughter again after he forgot about it.

Mrs. Strucker and the kids have to perform surgery on a mutant that was injured when his power turned off during the heist during the last episode.

These episodes with Dreamer truly make me interested in how she was found. Usually, mutants use their powers without knowing it when they first get them. So, who did she start manipulating before she knew that she could?

Also, I wonder what is going to happen to Jace, now that he has forgotten what has occurred for the past 4 years. Is he going to be lenient on mutants, or is he going to go completely out of his mind?

I am also worried about Polaris. She seems like she really wants to have her child with Eclipse, but I feel like something is going to go wrong. She is still running around, kidnapping people, and it is unknown how this will affect her baby. Or maybe she will be on a mission gone wrong and lose her baby. I am definitely worried about her.

Overall Rating: 6/5

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