Book Reviews

The Earl’s Regret Review

The Earl's Regret: Regency Romance (Gentlemen and Brides)

Elizabeth is excited to finally meet her betrothed, but when she goes to a dance, she becomes interested in a handsome young man. To her surprise, this man is Lord Mallon, her betrothed. The two of them have a happy start to their relationship, but then a tragedy sends Lord Mallon back home to be with his family. He leaves a note for Elizabeth, but Elizabeth never receives it and thinks that he left her for no reason. Lord Mallon must find a way back to his betrothed and Elizabeth must trust him, before a lost letter and devious cousin tear them apart.

I love books about arranged marriages where the two characters start to fall for each other before they even know each other’s names, and this one doesn’t disappoint. Elizabeth and Luke/Lord Mallon are unique characters, and they are very connected with their families. Soon, their families are to become one, but someone doesn’t want that to happen.

This plot was smooth and I personally loved the storyline twists and turns, but I did feel that the action at the end was a little rushed. I won’t spoil anything, but if you read it yourself you will see. This didn’t take away from the overall story.

This story didn’t have that much descriptive worldbuilding as most of the novel focused on the romance, but the different places that Luke and Elizabeth visited did have some description. The main focus was the character development and description of the different characters added to the story. Elizabeth has a life of her own and has friends of her own, and all of them have unique stories and personalities. Her relationship with her mother is also touched upon. Luke is a bit more mysterious, but his relationship with his family is expanded upon during the tragedy arc of the story. His relationship with a specific family member is also important in the story, but I won’t spoil anything!

This book was short, but besides the ending, it didn’t feel too rushed. I didn’t even notice any editing errors even though I had an advance copy of the novel.  I enjoyed spending time in Luke and Elizabeth’s world, and I think that you will too!

I would recommend this book to lovers of clean historical romance novels.

I received an advance copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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