Life Updates

Thanks for 400 Followers!

thanks for 400

I was hoping that I was going to reach 400 followers sometime this month, and I succeeded! Thank you all for sharing my posts, commenting, and being so supportive of my blog.

Not all of you know, but I am in my senior year of high school. I thought that I would be going to an Ivy League because of my high grades and many, many activities and internships, but I was rejected from every one. I was saddened by this, as I realized that I would have to go to a local college and live with my parents throughout college. I don’t mind my family, but I was looking forward to going away and being independent during college.

Then I looked at what I had done. I started to look at my blog, and how far I had come. I have gone from struggling to write 300-word book reviews to writing 400-600 words with ease. I have gone from 3 views on my post in total to having 3 views within the first 3 minutes. I’m not a failure, but instead, I have succeeded at something far more important than simply getting a few good grades in school. I am able to have fun doing something that I love! I am flooded with free books, which is wonderful, and I’m reading at a faster pace than I have ever done before. With the help of the Online Book Club, I am even able to fund my own lunches with my book reviews. This is incredible.

If I had gone to an Ivy League, I wouldn’t have had much time for blogging. Now that I am going to my local school which is easier, I will have hours upon hours per day for just reading and blogging. I might even start to use this as a part-time job so that I can pay for my own textbooks. This is something that I always dreamed of: independence. This blog has given me that.

It has even helped me in life! I have made new friends, helped my school’s book club flourish, and started to find happiness in reading again. I am a generally happier person, which my family has noticed, and I am able to just enjoy life.

Therefore, I am definitely going to keep growing my blog and Instagram accounts for the next few years. Once I receive my degree in business, I might even work for a publishing company! Who knows? Working behind-the-scenes is so much fun, and I want to keep doing this for a long time.

So thank you! Thank you all for doing this for me. I aim to do something big for 500, so keep an eye out!

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  1. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! You will do wonders, even amidst rejection – it’s their loss! Have fun in college 😊😊😊

    1. Thank you! And I’m trying to make the most of it

  3. Yay! Congrats.

  4. Congrats!! 🎈🎉 💐

    1. Thanks!

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