Book Reviews

Scales Review

Scales (a mermaid tale) by [Creeden, Pauline]

When I randomly found this book on my phone, I thought I was going to be in for a unique story with mermaids. Instead, I realized that this was the same book as “Caught in the Current” from the Sirens and Scales box set, except it was from Verona’s POV. This, however, was not bad.

Verona is a bottom feeder. She has been chosen to do the “Reckoning”. This means that she will have to venture to the surface to gather information for the clan and be viewed as a valuable member of the society. They beat her at the start, and she is not even sure if she will be able to survive the night, much less the journey to the surface. This is when a merman named Bailey comes to save her, albeit reluctantly, and nurses her back to health. Now she must decide whether to go up to the surface and complete the Reckoning or to continue to hide out under the sea.

I much preferred this book to the book in the Sirens and Scales box set. That one was in Bailey’s POV, and I just didn’t like him as a character. At some points, I just wanted him to go away and stop offering his “help”. Now, I could see that Verona was not as naive as I originally thought her to be. I liked her more, and I saw that she was not going to constantly put up with Bailey’s verbal abuse.

This prequel to Salt actually made me want to read the novel, just to find out more of what happens to Verona. Now that I know that Bailey will not be as included in that book, I am more inclined to read it. I wish that this story had been included in the Sirens and Scales box set, but I can understand that some people wanted a new book. Either way, I am glad that I was able to find this gem on my phone.

I received this book for free from Instafreebie in exchange for my honest review.

Overall Rating: 4/5

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