TV Show Reviews

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1 Review (Spoilers!)


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The season starts with Archie rushing his father, who has been shot at a local diner, to the hospital. Once his father is in surgery, Archie calls his friends to come to the hospital for moral support, and the gang is reunited in fearful waiting for Archie’s father to come out of surgery. Archie doesn’t know why the robber shot his father, and he is going through some emotional turmoil because he thinks he failed to protect his dad. Veronica is struggling as her father is coming home soon, but she still wants to be there for the boy she loves, Archie. Jughead and Betty do some sleuthing of their own to find out who tried to hurt Archie’s dad, and they discover that no money was taken from the diner, so the shooter must have been there specifically to hurt Archie’s dad. Jughead asks the Serpents to do some sleuthing as well, but he gets more than he bargained for. Cheryl is with her mother in the hospital who is suffering from severe burns after Cheryl started the fire, and she is determined to control her mother’s life now that she knows who really killed her brother.

My favorite part of this episode was when Veronica and Archie were back at his house. Veronica wanted to be helpful and took Archie’s dad’s clothes out of the bag that he hospital had given him, but Archie becomes enraged saying that she shouldn’t have touched anything and that his dad’s wallet was missing. He tries to kick her out, but Veronica tells him that she won’t leave because he needs someone to help him through his fears instead of leaving him.

Personally, I have always seen Bughead as the couple with the most emotional attachment to each other, so to see Veronica truly comforting and helping Archie was a first. I enjoy seeing this more responsible and mature side of this couple, and I hope to see more of it as the series progresses.

Overall Rating: 6/5

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  1. I am so excited about this season. Last year really took me by surprise so I hope this one can top it.

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