Book Reviews

Hunted Review

Image result for yeva hunted book fanart

This beautiful fanart comes from here! Thank you mellifluous-siren on tumblr for creating such a beautiful collage.

Songs I listened to while reading this: 

I’ve been struggling to read lately, especially as my mind tends to wander as I am doing so. This playlist of piano kpop songs has been able to help me focus as I am reading, in order to read faster and retain more information in the short amounts of free time that I do have.

Yeva lives with her father and two sisters right outside of the woods. Her father loves the woods and used to be a famous hunter, but he hasn’t hunted since he married her, now deceased, mother. Now, the family’s riches have been stolen while en route to a new city, and so Yeva and her sisters have been thrown into poverty. Yeva’s father must return to hunting after many years of inactivity, while Yeva and her sisters wait in their dilapidated cabin. Yeva wishes to help her father as she knows how to hunt, but her father refuses. After her father starts to be “hunted” by an old foe of his and doesn’t return home, Yeva must travel into the woods to find him. There, she meets the Beast.

This story is an amazing retelling of the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”. Yeva is a strong female heroine who must take care of her sisters, one of which has a crippled foot and one of which is simply uninterested with venturing out into the woods. She loves being a hunter, and is scared of becoming settled down, thus being forced to stay indoors and not venture into the woods.

The Beast’s story is a bit confusing, but it was interesting nonetheless to see how a prince could be made into a beast.

Altogether, even though this wasn’t my favorite fairytale retelling, it did not disappoint, and I enjoyed every minute of reading about Yeva’s adventures with the Beast in the woods.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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