
Happy New Year and Happy Blogiversary!

Exactly one year ago today, Bri’s Blog 2017 was started! Now, a year later, it has changed to Bri’s Book Nook and has grown exponentially. Let’s look at some stats!

Total Views for 2017: 7,160 (I definitely was not expecting to have that many!)

Total Visitors for 2017: 2,632 (Hi guys!)

Total Likes for 2017: 3,230 (That’s about 1.22 likes per person!)

Comments: 343 (This is probably the stat that I am the proudest of because I love talking to you guys!)

Total Followers: 277 (Thank you all!)

Best Month Ever: May with 1.2K views

Best Day Ever: Christmas Eve with 129 views (Best Christmas Present!)

So those are my total blog stats! Now, let’s see the post stats!

Total Posts: 272 (A post for most days!)

Total Book Reviews: 191

Best Performing Post: BTS Book Tag with 75 views!

Worst Performing Post: Current Reads: Twilight New Moon and Twilight Breaking Dawn with 2 views. Literally my second ever post, funny to see how much I’ve grown!

Now that the stats are done, onto the more sentimental stuff. I just want to thank you all for making 2017 a great year for me. You all made me see that I could take something that I had previously been putting on the backburner, and make a life out of it. I went from not reading at all during the school year to speeding through my work in class to get a few extra seconds of reading in. I went from trying to force myself into different friend groups to finding friends online with the same likes and dislikes as me. I even discovered Kpop, a genre that I had never even known existed before. Including these adorable weirdos.

come here bangtan boys GIF by Korea

I had some rough spots throughout this year, particularly in the summer where I had a job. For most of the summer, all I did was go to work, play games, and feel as if I accomplished very little. However, I got back into it in the winter, and now I feel better than ever.

So thank you all, and here’s to another year of blogging! Here are my resolutions!

  1. Read 200 books!
  2. Get up to 1000 comments!
  3. Either start streaming games on twitch, start a booktube channel, or create an Etsy account for knitting and crocheting. Either way, make money online doing something I like.
  4. Have at least one physical copy of an ARC sent to me by an author.
  5. Start college off well!

Tell me in the comments what some of your resolutions are!

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  1. Happy anniversary and new year!

    1. Thank you!

  2. FifteenthWonder says:

    Great job. Keep up the good work.

  3. Happy New Year! Good job on all you’ve accomplished-and good luck on starting college when that comes around!

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