Hauls N' Tags

Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag

Thank you @meltingpotsandothercalamities for tagging me to do this book tag!

The rules are 

  1. Choose 5 books
  2. Randomly set up your books in order
  3. Flip to a random page in the book and write the first two names you see
  4. Put the names in the categories listed below in the order you saw them
  5. See how crazy it gets

My Books Are

  1. Kings Cage by Victoria Aveyard
  2. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
  3. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
  4. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
  5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone by J.K Rowling

The First Person To Die

MAVEN FROM KINGS CAGE! From the part I am at currently in the book, I am not upset by this outcome at all. I dunno if I have to feel bad for him or something by the end, but I am satisfied with his death right now.

The Person You Trip to Escape the Zombies

The Colonel from Kings Cage/Farley’s Dad. I mean….Farley would be sad…possibly…but I am also fine with this.

The Person that Trips You to Escape the Zombies

Mirren from We Were Liars. I mean…well…..I’m just gonna leave this here.

The Team Idiot

Johnny from We Were Liars. This actually fits him perfectly. I see nothing wrong.

The Brains of the Group

Artemis Fowl from Artemis Fowl. This totally makes sense, I know my life would be in good hands with a child genius like him in charge.

The Team Medic

Juliet from Artemis Fowl. The Butler’s younger sister/Artemis’ mother’s maid. I mean, she may be able to do it.

The Weapons Expert

Lucy from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. This isn’t horrible, She had years of fighting in Narnia to increase her knowledge of weapons. However, she didn’t exactly have the most powerful weapons either.

The Team Brawler

Mr. Beaver from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. This is horrible. What is a beaver going to do? Bite and awkwardly smack its opponents around until it tires out? Geez this is like the worst placement.

The First to Turn Into a Zombie

Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. Nope. She isn’t stupid enough to be the first one. I refuse to accept this.

The Team Leader

Ron Weasley from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. Nope. He didn’t even start showing real leadership skills until near the end of the series. There is no way that 11 year old Ron could have lead the team.

I tag: Everyone Who Hasn’t Done This! AND I MEAN EVERYONE!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. Seems fun!!

  2. XD the We Were Liars answers though…

    1. I mean, assuming you read the book, what can you say? XD

      1. Yes, yes I did..and what else is there to say?

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