Book Reviews

You and Me Forever: Checkmate Review

You & Me Forever: A Sweet Romance Collection by [Megan Linski, T. Ariyanna, Cindy Ray Hale, Pamita Rao, Amy Reece, Audrey Rich, Constance Roberts, Yesenia Vargas]

This is a collection of short romance stories, I am reviewing the first of those stories called Checkmate.

Liz wants to be a police officer like her father, and she is loving her high school life with her boyfriend. However, when a runaway that her father is trying to catch on the news shows up in her house, she has to decide whether to turn the battered boy in. She decides to go with her gut and respect his desires to not have to go back, so she puts him in her closet so no one will find him. And here the story begins.

This story was definitely sweet. I feel as if the ending was a bit rushed, however as a short story I can see how this is bound to be a problem. There was no adult content in it, and it did wrap up the loose ends by the end of the story. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a read for an hour or less, and recommend this CURRENTLY FREE ON AMAZON book collection to everyone!

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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