2-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Winter’s End Review (Angel Hills Pack #3)

This last book in the Angel Hills Trilogy finalizes the story for the different relationships in the Angel Hills Pack. I have to say, I wasn’t very happy with most of the couples in this book and I thought it was a disappointing way to end the trilogy.

My favorite couple in this novel were Roanan and Emory. Emory can’t speak and he struggles to be a second parent to Roanan’s kids who range in ages up to nearly 18 years old. I wanted this couple to succeed, and I was happy how the family started to truly include Emory and work on helping him to speak. I wish I could get a full book about this one family!

Christopher and Xavier were one of my favorite couples in this series, but I didn’t like them that much in this book. Christopher is a young Beta who has very little sexual experience, and in his first time actually having sex with Xavier he was in intense pain. He secretly went to doctors to ask them what was wrong with him, but it took a while for him to actually come to Xavier about it. This seems unrealistic at best, and problematic at most. If you are in that intimate of a position with someone, why wouldn’t you realize if they are literally crying in pain? And then there is still the gigantic age difference between Christopher and Xavier to deal with. So Christopher is adult enough to be in a relationship with someone much much older than him, but he isn’t adult enough to speak out when he is in physical pain during sex?

The most disappointing part of this book was when Josh’s best friend Grant was mated to a random new omega rather than Josh. Josh and Grant had been friends since childhood, and Josh was literally fully prepared to present as an Omega. Josh’s dad Roanan was trying to keep him from Grant so that Josh wouldn’t go into heat or Grant wouldn’t go into rut around each other, but this made barely any sense to me. I feel like they could have been able to see each other with some slight supervision/someone checking in from time to time to make sure that everything was going well. And then Grey just gives Grant to a new omega, knowing that Josh and Grant had been friends since they were children. It made no sense, and it hurt Josh. But this was blown over in the plotline, and no resolution was ever made. Grant was just happy with his new Omega and Josh was left to his own devices without a mate. My heart = broken.

I liked Duncan and Canaan’s relationship, but they weren’t that memorable to me. I enjoyed seeing how Grey, Ian, and Gabriel loved their new pups, but again, I didn’t feel like they were as memorable as the not-so-great other couples in this book.

Overall, I would not really recommend this novel. It’s sad, as I really enjoyed this series! I might actually go back and read the books from the previous series to see the characters before these novels.

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 books

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  1. It’s always a shame when books disappoint, especially when they’re part of a series!

    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

    1. brisbooknookreviews says:

      Especially when it is the end of the series, it’s kind of like this is my last chance to see these characters TnT

  2. Sorry you didn’t enjoy this more!

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