Graphic Novels/Manga/Webcomics

Winter Moon Webtoon Review

If you’ve played an mmo, you’re likely to have seen her. She comes to an in-game city, probably as a weaker class such as a healer, and asks men for help with a dungeon or for money. The guy “falls in love”, buys her anything she asks for, and then takes her through the dungeon. Then the girl leaves to the next city, effectively dumping him, in order to do the same thing.

The Winter Moon webcomic is basically a big “what if?” scenario. What if the girl was in the city and decided to try to hit on a powerful sorcerer, only to find out that he’s gay?

This story is absolutely hilarious, with a sassy and strong gay male lead and a female lead who is….well…she’s a hard one to pinpoint. She could be seen as weak for not playing the game by herself, instead relying on men to get her her stuff. But technically, by playing the part of the ditzy, cute, flirty blonde healer, she can become the richest person in the city in an instant. So does this make her weak, or in fact extremely strong?

If you do read this comic, be prepared for awesome PVP battles, gold digging, male strippers, deserts, drooling boys, and least importantly, actual MMO-like quests.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 paintbrushes. 

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1 Comment

  1. This is one of my favorite comedy Webtoons! (The only reason this didn’t appear on my comedy recommendations was because I had to yet to discover it 🙁) But you’re right; I didn’t think of Risa like that before…She could be stronger than she looks.
    But then again, this is a comedy! I don’t take any of it seriously 😂

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