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Winter Flowers Blog Tour plus Review

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 flowersbook_front.jpgWinter Flowers (The Flowers Series #2)

by Tani Hanes

Genre: NA Romance

Release Date: July 20th 2018


What ever happened to Pete and Daisy?

When we left them, their daughter had just been born, and some momentous decisions had been made.

It’s now four years later. Their family has grown, as has their love for each other. Clio is a rocky smart, precocious four year old, and she’s been joined by baby sister Francie. Pete’s career as a musician is finally taking off, and things should be rosy; however, fame and fortune bring their own pitfalls, and a voice from the past arrives in their lives, threatening to upset everything they’ve worked for.

Can they survive Pete’s success, and the long shadow cast by Daisy’s past? How will Pete deal with groupies, temptation, and prolonged separation from his family? And how far is Daisy willing to go to protect those she loves?

Join the Santangelos on this rollicking roller coaster second installment of their journey.

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My Review

Daisy and Pete have an amazing relationship with their two girls, Clio and Francie. They seem to have a perfect family life, but then Clio’s birth father wants to come back into the picture. He’s still in Pete’s band, which means that they can’t avoid him for the next few months.

Just before Pete’s band is going on tour, Daisy has a miscarriage and starts drifting away from Pete. Pete worries that while he is on tour, she will not be faithful and will instead find someone else. Even though when he left they were on good terms, he still worries about what will happen while he is away. He also doesn’t want Richard to try and confront him while he is on tour, because if he tries to defend himself, Richard will try to tear their family apart and take Clio.

I loved reading about Pete and Daisy’s family in this story! Francie and Clio were adorable, and it was a treat to see them grow and learn from their parents. I was also happy that Pete loved both his daughters equally, even though only one was biologically his. I was always rooting for Clio to be able to stay with the family that raised her.

I got upset a few times when Pete seemed to be putting the blame on Daisy, basically asking her why she chose Richard of all people to sleep and have a child with. I understood that Richard was a horrible person, but Daisy wasn’t expecting to have a child by him. It wasn’t even her fault for anything. Sometimes he would say that nothing was her fault, and then other times he would say that the whole situation was her fault, even if she was literally crying and saying that she wished Clio was his and not Richard’s.  He eventually realizes the error of his ways though, and I was able to overlook this flaw in his character.

I still root for Pete and Daisy, but there were several other people in this book that tried to be with both Pete and Daisy. They did try to turn those people down, but they did entertain them sometimes. I think that the main moral of this story was that communication matters. If they had communicated more, those other people would not have even tried to enter their lives. Because they didn’t communicate, it opened up the possibility for others to try and take their spot.

Clio was an adorable little girl, but she was portrayed as being wise beyond her years. I think that she was maybe a little too wise for a 4-year-old, but it was still hilarious to read some of the things that would come out of her mouth at certain times of the story. Her younger sister wasn’t like this at all, but I don’t know how she will have grown int he next story when she is a little older.

I enjoyed this book, despite the lack of communication between Pete and Daisy and the mixed messages being sent by Pete. My favorite part of the story was just them coming together as a family and growing past their issues.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a non-conventional contemporary adult romance with strong family themes.

I received an advance copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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IMG_1863.jpegAbout the Author

My name is Tani Hanes, and I am a 51 year old substitute teacher. I’m from central California and am a recent transplant to New York City. The most important things to know about me are that I’m punctual, I love grammar and sushi, and I’m very intolerant of intolerance. The least important things to know about me are that I like to knit and I couldn’t spell “acoustic” for 40 years. I’ve wanted to write since I was ten, and I finally did it. If you want to write, don’t wait as long as I did, it’s pointless, and very frustrating!

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