Book Reviews

What Bookworms Say Versus What Bookworms ACTUALLY Mean: a Guide on the Words of Contradictory Creatures — Forever and Everly

This post was hilarious and I thought that I would share it with you guys!

Bookworms are very contradictory. I’m sure I’ve talked about this before??? I mean, everyone basically contradicts themselves these days (including a certain… American political figure*), but bookworms contradict themselves THE MOST. I think the books just kind of like mess with our minds and make us prone to unintentional lying??? Or dramatizing everything??? So because […]

via What Bookworms Say Versus What Bookworms ACTUALLY Mean: a Guide on the Words of Contradictory Creatures — Forever and Everly

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  1. Aahhh thank you so much for sharing this post!! It means so much to me. 😍

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