Graphic Novels/Manga/Webcomics

Webcomic Wednesday: Be More Chill Fanfiction

Be More Chill is a really amazing musical that I hope to see someday in the near future! It portrays high school in a way that I think no other play has done before, it is so realistic. It doesn’t treat high schoolers as overgrown middle schoolers, but it also shows that high schoolers do need emotional support and aren’t just completely unfeeling and lazy young adults like some musicals portray them. Be More Chill has such an amazing balance, and you can feel it just by listening to the soundtrack on Spotify.

But I am not here before to talk about the musical, as I haven’t seen it yet! I am here to talk about my favorite Instagram fan webcomic renditions of Be More Chill. Here is one of my favorite Be More Chill Webcomic/Fanfiction authors!


Artistic_Hoarder has a webcomic/fanfiction going about Michael, Jeremy, and Christine after Jeremy loses the Squip. Jeremy is with both Christine and Michael, but in more recent installments he has been leaning more towards his best friend for life Michael. The Squip forced him to ignore Michael even when all he wanted was to spend time with his best friend, and now they have to heal their friendship and deal with their feelings for one another.

Michael and Jeremy are not together in the play, but Jeremy is crushing on Christine for most of the play, so this webcomic/fanfiction is more canon than some of my other favorites. Jeremy’s mother also shows up for a time, which leads to a few arguments over Jeremy having a boyfriend. This probably wouldn’t occur canonically because Michael has two moms and Jeremy’s mother does not come back, but it is really a nice touch that this author added into this story.

I can’t wait for this story to be continued, I am on the literal edge of my seat! I am just going to constantly be rereading the previous episodes until the next one comes out. Definitely check it out!

Here is where I believe that the main comic arc started, but there is other random Be More Chill little scenes before it that you might want to check out.

You could start from here and still understand what is going on generally. It is also mostly Be More Chill and no Heathers content from this point on. If you like Heathers, read down from this point and check out some cool fanart!

And here is the current feed that you can check out for yourself!

Overall Rating: 6 out of 5 paintbrushes


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