Video Game Reviews

Video Game Tuesdays: Timeshift

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Boy oh boy, have I been having some fun with this game. This game is an FPS game for the Xbox 360 with one of the coolest game mechanics I have ever seen. It is fast paced with you just randomly picking up guns around the map and trying to destroy your friends, but you can also pick up time grenades. These grenades slow down time for anyone caught in them, so their movements are slow, and so are their bullets. Most of the game is spent running around trying to gather the best guns and just tossing around time grenades, it’s great.

The best part about this game is that you can have 16 players in a single lobby. This is a great thing if you are in a Discord server and just want everyone to be able to fit into one lobby at once. There is little to no lag, even when I am from the Northern US playing with people from the south, UK, and Ireland.

Honestly, I’ve already gotten so much playtime out of this literal 2 dollar game. 2 dollars and change at Gamestop. If you want to have some fun online with friends but don’t want to spend a lot of money, this is definitely the game for you. There is plenty of fun left in this installment.

I wish that there were newer Timeshifts available. It is so cheap because most people have forgotten the series ever existed, but honestly, it is so much fun! The time mechanic makes for such silly yet somewhat challenging gameplay and leads to a lot of laughs as everyone is struggling to get out of their own time bubble. This is something that I haven’t seen before or after this game was released, so I don’t think any other video games even included this mechanic in any way. This one is unique!

This game isn’t too difficult to find, you can get a PC or Xbox 360 version. I don’t think there is cross-platform play, but the games are cheap enough that you could get both versions without putting a dent into your wallet. I hope that more people start to play and enjoy this game before its servers eventually get shut down. I’m surprised that they are still up seeing how old the game is, but some people are still playing and looking for matches. You won’t be alone on the 360 version!

Overall, this was so much fun, and I will definitely be playing it often.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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