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Tribal Affairs Blog Tour Plus Review

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Dahlia, a centuries old genie, lies hopelessly trapped in a damaged golden locket charm attached to an ankle bracelet. Its owner, sixteen-year-old Liana, wears it for the first time during her father Jamison’s opening night illusion spectacular. Not only does its presence cause Jamison to folly his performance, but it also starts a chain of bizarre events that lead to a showdown with Dahlia’s mortal enemy, Stefan, and an unsuspecting romance between Liana and his son.


My Review: 

This novel was a typical YA fantasy novel. It had its own unique quirks and special moments, and the overall story was enjoyable. I enjoyed learning about the history and heritage of Liana’s family. Liana and Taffi grow throughout this book as Stefaan tries to find the both of them.

The world-building had quite a bit of detail, but it left some to the imagination, which was definitely nice. It didn’t force the character into a specific box but allowed them to be open to interpretation. The characters were also pretty general as well. The only thing that I disliked was the fact that the characters were general. I wish a little more time had been spent developing each one so that they wouldn’t be so open. But some people like their characters open. It reminded me a bit of the Kane Chronicles, but with non-related characters and

I also enjoyed the fact that the plot was fast-paced. There wasn’t a dull moment in this entire story, as the characters were constantly moving around and doing things to solve mysteries. This kept me engaged for the entire time that I read this novel, and made me want to finish it all in one sitting.

My last minor issue was the slightly strange analogies taht the novel used. For example, one sentence reads “His eyes widened and bulged out of their sockets, like the distended bellies of malnourished children.” I could understand what this was trying to say, but comparing eyes to distended stomachs is a rather gross picture. I think imagining grapes or something of that sort would be more realistic than stomachs.

Overall, this novel was not terrible to read, and I did have a lot of fun with the storyline that discussed magic and genies. If there were more books in the series, I would definitely pick them up and give them a try.

I would recommend this book to lovers of YA fantasy and stories about genies. \

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 3/5

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Matt Dallmann has a background in acting and holds a BFA from Marymount Manhattan College in New York City. His films and screenplays have been featured at film festivals across the United States including Cinequest, Big Apple Film Festival, Seattle’s True Independent Film Festival, DragonCon and Zero Independent Film Festival. His piano compositions have been published for commercial use and he is a member of ASCAP. Matt is also the Co-Founder and Vice President of the boutique medical billing firm VGA Billing Services, Inc. in New York City. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and two daughters.

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