Book Reviews

Tower of Ayia Review

Tower of Ayia

Callum started off as a teacher but after surviving the war, he has to teach the children at his settlement. He finally found the child that he needed, Dante, who can heal any injury. Now he can venture off to find the other adults, but Dante ends up tagging along.

This is another short story that I found, a prequel to the Unmaker series. I thought it was addictive, and I loved the world that it was set in. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.

Callum’s story was unique and I truly enjoyed reading about his bonding with Dante. I am glad that they will still be in the next book and not forgotten in the prequel.

I received this book for free and reviewed voluntarily.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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  1. Looks like a really interesting read.

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