Top Ten Tuesdays are a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Onto the list!
This action-packed mystery novel takes place in Japan!
My Review:
Another action-adventure mystery novel by Steven Moore takes place in the Peruvian Andes.
My Review:
This well-known time travel adventure occurs in 1700s Scotland for the most part.
My Review:
Another book taking place in Japan!
My Review:
And this story, one of my favorites in the 39 clues series, takes place in Vienna.
My Review:
In this intro novel to the 39 clues, Amy and Dan spend time in Paris.
My Review:
And we travel to France again with this historical fiction novel!
My Review:
Even though half of this book takes place in California, she has her roots and her story in Mexico.
No review as I haven’t reread it recently!
Thedosia lives in London and travels to Egypt.
No review as I haven’t reread it recently!
And finally, we return to historical Paris, just in time for a Viking invasion!
No review as I haven’t reread it recently!
I will see you next week!