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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That I Can’t Believe I Read

Top Ten Tuesdays are run by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Outlander (Outlander, #1)


1) I never thought that I would end up reading such a long book, but I read it and reviewed it on here last year!

Fifty Shades Trilogy (Fifty Shades, #1-3)

2) I read this whole trilogy in 2016 and 2017. I don’t really know when I am going to get around to reviewing it, but I definitely want to talk about some of the issues I had with the plot of the story before 2018 ends.

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)

3) I thought that I would give up on this series completely so many times, but I ended up finishing it. I didn’t like books that much, but I am still proud of myself for completing the series.

mermaid's escape

4) I never thought that I would read and enjoy a reverse harem novel, but when the first book in the Sirens and Scales box set was a reverse harem, I knew that I would have to read it until the end. I instantly became addicted, and I am still waiting impatiently for the next book in this series.

In Other Lands

5) I didn’t think that I would ever find a mermaid book that I didn’t like, but this was definitely it!

Mask of Shadows (Mask of Shadows, #1)

6) I never thought that I would read a book with a genderfluid main character. Although my feelings about this one were mixed, I will try out the next book in this series.

Hunt (Freya Snow, #1)

7) I never thought I would read a book with an autistic main character or such a diverse group of characters. I adore all of L.C. Mawson’s books, and I cannot wait for the next book in the Freya Snow series.

Gregor the Overlander (Underland Chronicles, #1)

8) I can’t believe that I read such a good book by the author of the Hunger Games, but that no one else really knows about this 5 book series!

Little Brother

9) I can’t believe that there was such an excellent book about the government overstepping boundaries and spying on and infringing upon the rights of citizens in order to capture terrorists. It’s scary because it seems realistic.


10) I cannot believe how many box sets I have purchased this year. Whenever it is a dollar I simply cannot help myself, but I feel like I just have bought too many to read, ever. I am trying to work through some of them though!

That is all for this week, and I will see you soon with even more reviews!

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  1. I enjoyed the Cinder series a good bit.
    Having too many books to read is a better problem than not enough books! 🙂 My TTT

  2. hehe I can’t believe I read the first fifty shades- let alone all of it- I’d be interested in seeing your reviews! Well done on finishing the Lunar Chronicles even if you didn’t like it.

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