I made a few bookish/life discoveries in 2019, so here are my top 4 from the past year!
- Some of the best Webtoons are in the Canvas section.
I usually would go to the featured section of Webtoons by default, thinking that I was seeing the best ones. Then, I ventured into the Canvas section and had a blast. Some of the best stories came from these independent authors that I hadn’t known about, but they were hidden in the Canvas tab. The Canvas tab also doesn’t have the annoying coin system, where it can cost up to 50 cents just to read a chapter one week ahead. I could do a whole rant about the coin system, but that’s for another post. Long story short, if you have Line Webtoon, make sure to check out the Canvas section from time to time. I am going to make sure to review the Canvas Webtoons in some of my upcoming Webtoon Wednesdays to show them off.
2. The_WriteReads on Twitter
This community of bloggers run by The_Write Reads is amazing, I love seeing new amazing posts and supporting other bloggers. The huge blog tours that I have been on through The_WriteReads are also lots of fun. I would definitely recommend following if you are a fellow blogger!
3. Small Bookstores Near Where I Live/Go To School
I didn’t have any bookstores near my old house, but I have a couple that I want to check out since I moved. My school is near NYC however, so I end up commuting a lot, and I have made a habit of always stopping by local small bookstores to see what they have to offer. If you want to see some of the bookstores I popped in in 2019, check this and this IG posts about the store and this IG post about the haul.
4. Take A Break!
I really learned to take a break in 2019. I was moving from September to November, and then I had to try to adjust to commuting to and from school/work from my new house which was over an hour away by train. It was a crazy past few months, and I kept trying to force myself to read. Eventually, I had to re-learn how to enjoy reading, which made me not post as much. But I think this was my biggest bookish discovery, re-learning how to enjoy reading. Take a break if you need to, you will thank yourself.
Thanks for reading my albeit-late Top Ten Tuesday, and I hope you all have a good night.