Book Reviews

The Wicked Will Rise Review

The Wicked Will Rise (Dorothy Must Die, #2)

Amy Gumm failed to kill Dorothy in the previous book, and with everyone having to go into hiding she has less people on her side than ever. Now Amy must go on a journey to take back all the things that the wizard gave Dorothy’s former friends/current employees. She must retrieve the Lion’s courage, the Scarecrow’s brains, and the Tin Man’s heart. Only then can she kill Dorothy. This journey will lead her deeper into Oz, into places that the magic has not been drained as much, and teach her more about the world of magic. Amy must learn how to control the magic around her, and how to control the magic that now lies within her.

I enjoyed this book a lot more than Dorothy Must Die. I didn’t dislike Dorothy must Die, but I felt that in this book Amy grew a lot more than she had in the previous one. She used the relationships that she had made in the previous novel to her advantage in order to find her missing friends, but instead of being the “Trainee” that was constantly in danger as she was in the previous book she really came into her own in this story. She wasn’t reliant on anyone for most of it but used their hints and tips in order to find her own way through Oz to her friends. Her romance with Nox definitely grows in this story, but I don’t think that it was overpowering it and I don’t believe that cutting it out would have made the story better. I will leave things here as I hope that you all will go and read this amazing series for yourself!

Overall Rating: 5/5

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1 Comment

  1. […] simply as the main character plus her partners. Here is a link to my review of Dorothy Must Die, here is a link to my review of The Wicked Will Rise. I did read Yellow Brick War, but I just noticed […]

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