Book Reviews

The Warning Review

The Warning by [Lowe, Michelle]

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Nikolai Crowe is accused of murdering his girlfriend Jade, but he knows that he was nowhere near her when the murder happened. He simply stumbled upon her body when she sent him a text message to come to a certain location. However, when security footage is shown, a man with his face is on the cameras, in an area where he was not. The only cameras that he could be on would be in the train station, but those cameras are useless at picking out one person among a sea of people. He has to escape the cops, who want him dead, and find the real killer. Luckily he is receiving help from a clone named Ebenezer. He is one of a group of clones who escaped an island that was keeping them hostage, but unlike the other clones, they have emotions.

Knox is a detective assigned to the case, but while the other cops are adamant about Nikolai being guilty, he is wary. He decides to do a second investigation, and he ends up finding out that things aren’t as black and white as they seem.

This book was amazing. I was exhausted and woke up on top of my phone, which was still open to the story, and then finished it in the middle of the night.

I loved the idea of a story based on clones being sentient, yet still not being treated on the same level as humans. Clones have not been used in wars yet, but it is reasonable to think in the future that someone might want to consider that. However, that will always bring up the issue of what counts as being human.

I also loved the pacing of this story. Even though it was written from two different perspectives, I never felt lost, I never felt that it was too slow, and I never felt that it was too fast. This book was a smooth ride from start to finish, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for an action adventure story, including clones. To people who enjoy YA novels, this does have a mature scene or two, but it would not be stressful to read by any means. Give it a try!

Overall Rating: 6/5

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