5-Star Reads, Book Reviews

The Walk Down Roman’s Road: A Story of a Life Shared Review

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

The Walk Down Roman’s Road is a short story about the life of a dog, and the life of the people around him from beginning to end. Something as seemingly small as adding a dog to a family can have such a profound impact on the family life that the dog seems to be less like an animal and more like a family member. Although I personally have not had the ability to have a pet before, after reading this story I felt as if I did. I could easily connect with author’s stories of enjoying time with Roman and enjoyed seeing the family change as the dog was the rock that always stayed the same.

I would recommend this book to pet lovers, pet likers, pet okay-ers, and pet I-don’t-know-ers. It shows the good, the bad, the silly, and the sad parts of owning a pet, and from a realistic point of view. Even if you aren’t all for long pet stories, I read this whole book in 1 sitting and enjoyed it all the way through, so this would be a nice book to relax with on a car ride. I recommend this book to everyone!


Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 books. 

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