Book Reviews

The Sixth Gate Review

The Sixth Gate

Thank you K.T. Munson @Creating Worlds With Words for giving me this book for review! It kept my energy up as I read it in between studying for my midterms.

Dr. Elisabeth Avery is caught between the five planets and the Netherworld since she was born, as she is half demon. She has denied her demon side for years but has been able to work well as a seer since she is connected to both worlds. As seers are strangely assassinated and a princess dragged into the Netherworld, Elisabeth may be the only one who can solve the mystery.

Meanwhile, on the planet of Hystera, a Keeper and his assistant must investigate a string of mysterious suicides. Citizens with families are suddenly committing mass suicides and warning of something or someone to come that they simply cannot face. The Keeper needs a Seer, but the only Seer still alive is Elisabeth.

This is a fast-paced action-packed fantasy story. It does have multiple points of view, so if you tend to get confused, like me, this is definitely a book you may have to read twice. I myself plan to read it again soon, but I wanted to get my review out before I do so.

I did enjoy the plot of the people killing themselves and the Keeper trying to save them. It was actually really interesting to me to see how those characters dealt with constantly seeing something so sad and disturbing as whole families committing suicide together, and how they tried to continue their mission through that pain.

I also loved seeing how Elizabeth grew throughout the book as she learns to accept both sides of herself.

My only complaint was definitely the fact that the points of view were a bit confusing at times. However, I felt that if the points of view had not been done as they were, I would have been bored with the story. I definitely was not bored with this story and I was anticipating each new chapter, especially close to the end of the story. I would recommend reading this book during a readathon in order to remember all the plot points as you go along.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a dark fantasy action-adventure novel with multiple points of view.

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Overall Rating: 4/5

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