Book Reviews

The Last Olympian (PJO Book 5)

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 5) by [Riordan, Rick]

Percy and the rest of Camp Halfblood must prepare to battle the Titans. Kronos has taken over Luke’s body, and now the monsters under Luke’s control belong to him. The demigods must return to Manhattan and fight for their lives, and for gods. This all falls on Percy’s shoulders, as he has recently turned 16 and is fulfilling the prophecy. They must all work together in order to defeat the Titans, but there is a spy in their midst.

This book had to be one of the most satisfying conclusions to a series that I have read in a long time. Even considering the fact that they have the Heroes of Olympus series after this, I was still glad that this book ended so well. In fact, I even considered not reading the next series for a second, simply because I want the story to stay where it is.

I did notice during the battle scenes how Riordan tried to still stick with his audience base of children/pre-teens. There was nothing overly bloody, and there were several jokes that I saw were thrown in to lighten the mood. It did take me out of the action sometimes since I am so used to the blood and gore of YA/Adult novels. Nevertheless, the scenes were still exciting and I enjoyed them

Even though you guys keep talking about Nico, the more I read this series, the more I realize that I am not seeing him as much? I dunno, I know he’s there, but from fanfiction and y’alls comments I thought he would be there a lot more than he actually was? Maybe I have to wait for the Heroes of Olympus to really see him involved in battles and the like. For now, I do enjoy his storyline, but I only wish that I could see a bit more of him.

What I disliked was that throughout the series, Clarisse has been forgotten more and more. I saw her a little bit in this story, but I felt that she was a side character rather than being a semi-main character as she had been in the first and second books. She was someone that I definitely wish I saw more of. Besides being a bully, she was loyal to the camp and loyal to her cabin for almost every book, yet she never really receives recognition for it. She’s changed, but she is still a side character.

Overall, I did enjoy this story, but I wish that there had been a little more about Clarisse. I can’t wait to continue with the Heroes of Olympus series/the even BIGGER books.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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