Book Reviews

The Gnosis Machine Review

The Gnosis Machine

A professor makes a machine that is supposed to provide people with anything they could ever need or ask for. The machine can also predict with almost absolute certainty what each person will do before they do it. Soon, it may even be able to predict their entire lives. People from Earth escape to the machine so that they don’t have to worry about the horrors of living on the decaying planet. Now, they think that they will be able to live out the rest of their lives in peace. However, they do not realize the sheer power of the machine, and some are not ready to have their every move predicted by the Machine. Are they even making their own choices anymore?

I have to admit, I used to struggle a lot with science fiction novels. I always thought that they were boring and super technical, but then I came across Koukouvitis’ books. Between Technodiversity and now The Gnosis Machine, I have started in love with the science fiction genre. I love his descriptions of the machine or machines within his worlds, and all of his books draw you in.

This book was so addicting! I felt drawn into the world where people wanted to trust this machine for everything in their lives. The multiple points of view in the story only added to how it felt as each character seemed to lose control due to the machine. It was also interesting to see how each character dealt with that loss of control, and who accepted it versus who fought it.

I believe that this is one of the most realistic portrayals of a machine controlled environment/world that I have read in a long time. Usually, it is portrayed where everyone accepts it until the machine goes haywire. This book shows that machine doesn’t even have to go haywire for things to go wrong. Humans inherently don’t want to be controlled, and they would not take kindly to a machine that controls too much of their lives.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a unique, realistic, and addictive science fiction novel.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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  1. Thank you so much, Bri! Your review is so good it almost makes me feel embarrassed 🙂

    1. You deserve it! I loved this book 🙂

  2. I’m such a sucker for science fiction that actually has to do with science instead of just thrusting people into an alien community, so I added this to my TBR shelf. Great review!

    1. Thank you!

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