Book Reviews

The Earl’s Defiant Wallflower

The Earl's Defiant Wallflower (The Dukes of War, #2)

Oliver returns from war to find that his father has died, and has left him penniless. He must find an heiress to marry that will provide him with the money he needs to build up his estate and pay his servants.

Grace is in England living with her grandparents in order to satisfy the terms of her dowry. However, her mother is living in America and needs medicine from the money Grace’s dowry will give her.

The two find themselves coming together, but with both of them needing the money that neither has, they should be working harder on staying apart.

This was probably one of my favorite historical romances that I have ever read this year. It had a very unique storyline, and I enjoyed hearing about Oliver’s life as a rich child or Grace’s life with her parents. Their romance was very sweet as well, and I found myself rooting for them to be together throughout the entire story.

I would recommend this story to anyone looking for an engaging and unique historical romance that will entertain you during these boring winter nights.

I received a complimentary copy of this book.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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