4-Star Reads, Book Reviews

The Crown of Ptolemy Review (Percy Jackson & Kane Chronicles Crossover #3)

I wasn’t sure how I would like this novel after disliking the Annabeth/Sadie novel that came before this one. To my surprise, this book was what the previous book should have been!

Rather than focusing too much on the backstory, this book jumps right into the action. Percy, Annabeth, Carter, and Sadie are drawn together in order to fight Setne. This story may be short, but it correctly weaves the Greek and Egyptian mythology together to create a fantastical tale. I was excited to kind of see how the gods would interact with the demigods!

The only thing that I didn’t like in this novel was how short it was! It seemed shorter than the previous novel even though there were more characters. I definitely could have read an entire book about these characters as they had so much chemistry with one another. I also wish that the book had been told from different points of view rather than just from Percy’s POV. I love Percy, I really do, but there were so many awesome characters that I wish I had seen the minds of as they all fought together.

Overall, I am sad that the trilogy is over, but at least it ended on a good note! I would recommend it to those who love either the Percy Jackson or Kane Chronicles series, even if the second book wasn’t amazing.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 books

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