Book Reviews

The Cleansweep Conspiracy Blog Tour Plus Review

Book Details:

Book Title: The Cleansweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron
Series: A Matt Tremain Technothriller Book 1
Category: Adult Fiction, 310 pages
Genre: Thriller / dystopian
Publisher: Bublish Inc.
Release date: April 2018
Tour dates: Aug 13 to Sept 21, 2018
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (Adult language)

Book Description:

In this riveting technothriller, investigative blogger Matt Tremain is covering devastating riots in Toronto when he learns of a plot to rid the city of “undesirables.” The operation is called CleanSweep, and appears to be led by billionaire Charles Claussen, who want to sweep Toronto clean of all street people and any citizens who don’t match his restrictive screening matrix.

Matt questions whether he has the courage, skill or influence to take on Claussen, but the murder of one of his sources convinces the blogger to put his life on the line. He gambles on the loyalty of a Toronto police detective and a local TV reporter for help. If his trust is misplaced, Matt will become yet another victim of CleanSweep, and the truth will be buried with him forever.

My Review
This book discusses the societal issues of people deciding who are “desirable” for society and who are “undesirable” for society. The “CleanSweeps” who are run by Charles Claussen have decided that they want to get rid of the homeless, the “gangsters”, homosexuals, people with mental illnesses, and people of certain religions. They started their plan on a small scale, but now they have moved to mass exterminations of people. They don’t really care if some desirable citizens are caught in the crossfire, just as long as the majority of those killed are undesirables. Claussen has been given advice by his grandfather who was in charge of a work camp in Nazi Germany, and is determined for his CleanSweep policy to take over the world.
My favorite part of this story was seeing the workers try to help the people who were secretly fighting CleanSweep. As CleanSweep gained more power, they had to hide more and more just to even meet up. Nevertheless, they were each able to help in their own way, even if they thought they weren’t doing that much. The ordinary people were key to the investigation as a whole.
The one thing that irritated me as I was reading this story was that I could never really tell where the timeline was. If I am correct, the story starts off with the attack, then it goes back to talk about the details leading to the attack, and then proceeds through the attack and afterwards. This is not necessarily made clear, so I was confused and thought that there was going to be a second attack even though it was just the prequel to the first attack. If this timeskip had been made more clear, I would not have struggled so much to get into the story at first.
This world was built so uniquely, but it spoke about many of the issues that affect our world today. I think that anyone who likes dystopian fiction would enjoy this novel, and might even be creeped out by it since it is so similar to our own universe. Even if you would be interested in a political thriller, this could be the novel for you. Even though it is supposed to be in a fantasy universe, it seems eerily similar to our own and discusses many of the same issues.
I would recommend this book to lovers of dystopian fiction, mysteries, and political-based thrillers.
I received an advance copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
To read reviews, please visit Chuck Waldron’s page on iRead Book Tours.


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Meet the Author:


Chuck Waldron is the author of four riveting mystery, thriller and suspense novels and more than fifty short stories. Inspired by his grandfather’s tales of the Ozark Mountains and local caves rumored to be havens for notorious gangsters, Waldron was destined to write about crime and the human condition. Those childhood legends ignited his imagination and filled his head with unforgettable characters, surprising plots and a keen interest in supernatural and historical subplots.

With literary roots planted in the American Midwest and South, and enriched by many years living in the fertile cultural soil of metropolitan Ontario, Waldron now resides on Florida’s fabled Treasure Coast with his wife, Suzanne. While keeping an eye out for hurricanes, alligators, and the occasional Burmese python, visitors will find Waldron busy writing his next crime thriller.

Connect with Chuck: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook 


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