Book Reviews

The Accidental Boyfriend ARC Review

The Accidental Boyfriend: A Stand-Alone YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7)Lucy has been dating Alex for a while now, even though he has cheated on her with a cheerleader once or twice. She has known him since they were both little and thinks that he is the one for her, but he is very controlling. While rushing to get to his soccer game from swimming practice, Lucy gets into a car accident and nearly dies. Jaxon, a boy still struggling to deal with the loss of his mother, saves her life. The two were thrown together by chance, and they will either come together or allow Alex to tear them apart.

This book was a teenage romance that, while fictional, was still relatable. It also goes against stereotypical teen romance novels. Usually, the girl and boy who have know each other since childhood will always end up together. This time, Alex has turned from a semi-sweet boy into a complete douchebag who hurts Lucy at every turn. Jaxon just entered Lucy’s life, but he helps her through the trauma of being in the accident without any ulterior motives.

One of my favorite characters was Brooke. She is superstitious and quirky, but she doesn’t really care about what people think about her. She also has her own story of a realistic teen romance gone wrong. I also loved how supportive she was of Lucy! They were truly amazing best friends.

The plot moves smoothly, but the book isn’t short like many contemporary romances. It was a satisfying length, giving the chance for there to be a lot of character development! The only time it even felt a little bit rushed was near the end. I can’t say too much, but Jaxon was in a situation and I just wasn’t sure how the situation ended. This didn’t bother me too much though.

Also, there was quite a bit of world-building. There was even a whole scene where Jaxon and Lucy travel to another part of California, thus helping me to understand their location even more. I loved reading the descriptions of the world that the two lived in!

Even though this was an advance copy of the book, I only noticed like one error in the entire thing, and it was formatting, not grammar. At this rate, the current copy is most likely flawless!

I would recommend this book to lovers of realistic contemporary YA fiction.

I received an advance copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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  1. Great review!

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