Life Updates

TBR Tuesday!

Books that I have recently read and haven’t reviewed yet:

The Damned: A Snowverse Novella (The Almosts, #2)The Redeemed: A Snowverse Novella (The Almosts, #3)Target (The Royal Cleaner, #1)Home (The Royal Cleaner, #2)Disgraced (The Royal Cleaner, #0)Compelled By The Vampire (Vampire Enforcement Agency, #1)

Books that I am planning on reading within the next week:

Aru Shah and the End of Time (Pandava Quartet, #1)Web of Lies (Blood Bound, #3)Divine Fate: The Complete SeriesBring Me Their HeartsMayflyJilliandThe Clock FlowerA Life Worth Remembering: The Raw Beginnings of the Women's Suffrage Movement in Texas.Captured by the Vampire: A Paranormal Romance (Vampire Enforcement Agency Book 0)Giving Birth to HIVTied to Deceit

Life Updates

So, I know that I promised to weave in popular books with the reviews of indie authors books. I will still try to do this, but I still want to be able to work through my backlog of review copies by the time September comes. Nevertheless, I just moved into a different room in my house. Now, I have my computer and books all in one place. This may seem to be a good thing, but some complications have arisen in the move. For example, even though my new bookshelf has 2 times the space of my old one, I still have two plastic bins in my room full of books that I bought for myself that I still need to get through. I also have an overstuffed new bookshelf.

Admittedly, things are much better than they were just a month ago! I still have books that I need to get through but I have worked through a significant amount of them. Hopefully, in another month I will be able to say that I have eliminated my backlog, even though I am currently unsure if I will be able to do so.

I have a few more bits of news, but I will alert you guys as they come to fruition. Things are still a little crazy on my end, as I am trying to get my room in order while still pounding through my log of books. I will see you guys soon!

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  1. Lori @ Betwined Reads says:

    Good luck! It feels good to not have too many books on your backlog. I don’t accumulate books for review, but I have years of buying books and never reading them. It feels great to read them and/or decide that it’s be better to re-home them ^_^

  2. Those Snowverse novellas look interesting, I am looking forward to reading what you thought of them Especially the Damned one 🙂

    1. I’ll have more of my reviews of those coming up! If you want to hear my thoughts about the main series, Freya Snow, you can search for it on my blog.

      1. Thank you very much! I will do that 🙂

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