Life Updates

TBR Tuesday!

What have I recently read and have yet to review?

Grace and FuryWinter FlowersLoyalty/Betrayal (Aspects, #5)

I have been better at keeping up with my reviews this week! Either that, or I have just been reading a lot slower than I wanted to. Hopefully, I will be getting to more of my physical non-blog-tour ARCs soon. I am also almost done with my Netgalley backlog as well. Everything has been going fairly smoothly, and I just need to make sure I keep up this pace so that I can keep chipping away at the list.

What am I planning on reading next?\

Aru Shah and the End of Time (Pandava Quartet, #1)Web of Lies (Blood Bound, #3)Divine Fate: The Complete SeriesBring Me Their HeartsMayflyJilliand The Clock Flower

I also have quite a few more that I will be reading and reviewing this week, but I don’t want to make this post too long. I plan to have around 2 book reviews per day on this blog, meaning that on Tuesdays there will probably be three posts going up. This rate will mean that I can get through 84 books before summer ends for me. I am not sure if I will be able to constantly keep up this rate, but I sure hope so!

Any special news?

I just got a Kindle Fire! I was straining my eyes a lot to try to read books from authors that couldn’t send me physical copies on my phone, so I decided to splurge and buy myself the fire. I also go three months of Kindle Unlimited for 99 cents, and I have the Prime bookstore. Hopefully, this will allow me to get through books at a faster rate.


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