Book Reviews

Switch Review

SwitchGreg is starting to worry about his friend Kyle, who seems to have made a habit of sleeping with a different man every night. He doesn’t want him to get hurt, and he doesn’t want Kyle to hurt himself by drinking too much and getting into trouble. Usually when things get like this, Greg tries to help Kyle get back on his feet. Now, Kyle is rejecting his help and seems to be hiding something. If this secret got out, it could change both of their lives forever. If Kyle continues to be secretive, their relationship could be permanently damaged.

For a short novella, this had a lot of different story elements. I don’t want to spoil anything, but the secret was definitely interesting to find out.

There was even a bit of character development in this 30-page novel, as the two boys learn things about each other that they had never known before.

My only true complaint was that the novel was so short! This was truly an interesting storyline that I would have liked to see expanded upon, but instead, it is limited by the number of pages. I would have liked to learn more about Greg and Kyle’s relationship before these events, and how it changed after they occurred.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a short read that will draw them in and tell a fun tale.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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