Blog Tour, Book Reviews

Smoke In Her Eyes Blog Tour Plus First Impressions Review

Smoke In Her Eyes
by Anna Belfrage

Publication Date: March 15, 2019
Timelight Press
eBook & Paperback; 352 Pages

Series: The Wanderer #2
Genre: Romance/Erotica/Paranormal

Six months ago, Helle Madsen would have described herself as normal. Now she no longer knows if that terms applies, not after her entire life has been turned upside down by the reappearance of not one, but two, men from her very, very distant past.

Helle Madsen never believed in mumbo-jumbo stuff like reincarnation—until she came face to face with Jason Morris, a man who purportedly had spent fifty lives looking for her. Coping with being reunited with the lover from her ancient past was one thing. Having Sam Woolf, her vindictive nemesis from that same ancient past join the party was a bit too much. Suddenly, Helle finds herself the reluctant heroine of a far-flung, time-transcending epic story, one in which pain and loss seem to play a very big part.

This time round, Jason and Helle are determined to make it to the happily ever after. Unfortunately, Sam Woolf will stop at nothing to crush them. That ride into the golden sunset seems awfully far away at times…

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Review for Book 1! 

First Impressions Review

I am currently around 150 pages into this book, so less than halfway through, and I am loving it so far! Helle and Jason’s relationship is going through a rough patch, as Jason isn’t spending any time with Helle. He feels responsible for Juliet’s severe burns, and so he spends all day at the hospital with her. When he gets home, he barely pays any attention to Helle. Helle is feeling extremely neglected, and Jason won’t even talk to her to explain what he is going through. She also doesn’t like the fact that he is spending so much time with Juliet, given that the two had a romantic relationship in the past. Woolf is out of commission at the start of the novel, but if Jason and Helle do not work together to put him out of commission permanently, he will come back again.

My favorite part about the beginning of this novel was how it showed that no relationship is perfect, and that every relationship needs communication. Even though Helle and Jason work so well together, they still need to talk to one another. And that is what they aren’t doing in this book. Helle wouldn’t have been upset, and Jason wouldn’t have been so bottled up. I can’t wait to see how they will work out their differences and fight Woolf again later on in this novel.

If I gave this novel a rating right now, I would rate it 4 out of 5 stars. Seeing Helle and Jason bicker for quite a few chapters can become annoying after a while, but I know that it is necessary to see how they will grow later on in the novel

About the Author

Had Anna been allowed to choose, she’d have become a time-traveller. As this was impossible, she became a financial professional with three absorbing interests: history and writing.

Anna has authored the acclaimed time travelling series The Graham Saga, set in 17th century Scotland and Maryland, as well as the equally acclaimed medieval series The King’s Greatest Enemy which is set in 14th century England. (Medieval knight was also high on Anna’s list of potential professions. Yet another disappointment…)

With Jason and Helle, Anna has stepped out of her historical comfort zone and has loved doing so.

Find out more about Anna by visiting her website,, You can also connect with Anna on Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.

Blog Tour Schedule

Tuesday, April 30
Feature at Broken Teepee

Wednesday, May 1
Feature at What Is That Book About

Monday, May 6
Review & Excerpt at The Book Junkie Reads

Wednesday, May 8
Interview at The Book Connection

Thursday, May 9
Review at Pursuing Stacie

Monday, May 13
Review at Bri’s Book Nook

Tuesday, May 14
Excerpt at Myths, Legends, Books & Coffee Pots

Friday, May 17
Review at A Chick Who Reads

Saturday, May 18
Feature at The Lit Bitch

Monday, May 20
Review at Bookish

Thursday, May 23
Feature at Just One More Chapter

Monday, May 27
Review at So Many Books, So Little Time

Tuesday, May 28
Review & Interview at Passages to the Past

Friday, May 31
Feature at Coffee and Ink
Review at CelticLady’s Reviews


During the Blog Tour, we will be giving away two copies of Smoke In Her Eyes by Anna Belfrage! To enter, please use the Gleam form below.

Giveaway Rules

– Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on May 31st. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspicion of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– The winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

Smoke in Her Eyes

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