5-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Sacrifice (Freya Snow #14)

Freya managed to exile Uther, but she is struggling with the loss during that battle. Freya lost her baby, and she fully gave into her powers. She is struggling with emoting, so the only way Damon and Alex can see her emotions anymore is through her powers. Freya is also trying to weed out those who are loyal to Uther from her own court to get rid of the danger of having him still around her. Her relationships with those she loves is strained as they worry about her but she continues to push them away. Then the threat of Uther grows stronger, and Freya has to take a new plan of action. Whether Damon and Alex like it or not. 

I think that this is the lowest I have seen Freya at in the entire series. L.C. Mawson really shows how broken she is after that fight. She is not weak, as she continues to go on and try to run her kingdom. But mentally, she is definitely destroyed. I knew that the loss of her child was going to affect her, but by her kind of turning everything off after using her powers, it was easier to see how much she was truly struggling. I was surprised that the others were not able to see how much she was hurting, but we are always reading from only Freya’s perspective. I wish that we would get to see the events of this book from Damon’s perspective as well. 

I was excited to see how Damon and Alex’s relationship would grow, but the threat of Uther was not entirely gone so we did not get to see their relationship blossom in the same way. There was just too much action going on to focus on the romance. But the short moments that Damon and Freya, or Alex and Freya had together were sweet and beautiful to see. I hope that we get more of these moments in the last book of the series. 

All of the action scenes are just as addictive as always, and I was so worried about Freya in most of them. She also travels to some new places in this book, places that I hope she is able to visit again maybe in the next book or as a side character in the other current ongoing series. 

I would recommend this series to anyone looking for a new diverse fantasy series to read. 

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review. 

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 books.

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