Graphic Novels/Manga/Webcomics

Rock And Riot Webcomic Review


I was not expecting to find this. I was looking at a random cartoon on YouTube that had popped into my recommended when this was “Up Next”. I saw the name, Rock and Riot Love Follies Pilot, and I thought that this would be pretty interesting to watch. I was treated to a lovely short love story between the African American girl in the gang pictured above, and a white girl with blond hair and in a pretty pink dress. If anyone wants to go see the beginning of the new web series, here is the link:

Then I saw in the description the link to the webcomic, and I decided to go and read it. The webcomic started being written in 2015 and has 14 chapters now, updated biweekly. It tells a whimsical tale, akin to the high school stories of the 50s with the greasers and the gangs, except there is a guy gang and a girl gang. The whole story is based upon the premise of an LGBTQ version of the old movies such as Grease. Every, and I mean every character has a unique backstory, all the relationships are sweet and representative of all, and the characters although they have their flaws are all quite likable. I spent a full hour this afternoon simply reading this amazing comic.

I will most likely be reviewing the web series individually, first starting off with Love Follies and then updating whenever the author Chelsey Furedi decides to post more videos. This comic has tackled tough subjects of homosexual relationships, transgender, racism, asexual, bisexual, and nonbinary people in a tactful manner that I have come to love. I recommend this to anyone looking for a lighthearted and fun read, and the link to her site is

Overall Rating: 6/5 paintbrushes


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