Book Reviews

Reaper Review (Freya Snow Book 7)

Reaper (Freya Snow, #7)

Songs I listened to while reading this:


Freya and Alex are traveling across Europe to escape Alex’s Enhanced handlers and the Council of Light. The Council of Light is chasing Freya because her new powers could be making her unstable. The Enhanced are chasing Alex because she betrayed them by helping Freya. While on the run, they stay for a short while in a French Town. A Vampyre approaches them begging them to heal a dying Reaper. Alex and Freya want to save him, but it will prove difficult as their enemies are catching up to them and Freya is only just getting used to her new powers.

This book focuses more on the development of Alex and Freya’s relationship. At this point, I have basically completely forgotten about Damon and their relationship, as Alex and Freya just seemed so perfect for each other in this book. Freya is constantly struggling with flashbacks of her torture in the previous novel, but they both keep each other moving forward and safe.

My only complaint about this book would be that I did not hear as much about Sarah and Mel as I would have liked to in this novel. Freya is on the run, so she does not get to see her old friends that much. Nevertheless, the plot still kept at the same pace and was interesting without them. I just hope in the next novel that they come back into the spotlight.

My favorite part of this story was definitely seeing that Alice is still included in the plot. I won’t reveal anything, but I definitely enjoy seeing Freya’s sister is a big part of these stories even if she is not in every single novel.

I would recommend this series to anyone looking for a diverse action-adventure fantasy novel with a plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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