Hauls N' Tags

Random Book Sale Book Haul

So as I was out with my family, we were headed to the mall for some shopping. I was slightly dreading the trip because I just knew that it would be extra crowded for Mother’s Day, but I wanted to go anyways  simply because I needed some stuff from said mall. Then on the way there, we saw a sign on a church saying that there was a book sale happening there every Sunday after church indefinitely. We decided to stop there just to see if they had anything good simply because the items were only a dollar for paperbacks, 2 for hardcover, and select ones for free. Boy was I glad that I stopped by. I ended up spending 15 dollars, and I got 17 books.

Free Books

I could not BELIEVE my eyes when I saw Scarlet on the free table. It looked in a bit of a rough condition, but its still a fairly new book and popular at that. I picked up the second one randomly because, well it was free and I was looking for a few new book reading ideas. Then I went onto the rest of the sale.

Outlander Series


Out of these, the only books I don’t own now are Outlander and Written In My Own Heart’s Blood. The rest of the books were there, in near-perfect condition, for a dollar apiece! I almost died. Even on Amazon 1 book is about 9 dollars on kindle and in paper. This was probably the best deal, but I still got more.



Breaking Dawn must have been bought already but I snagged the first 3 books of the series for 3 dollars. This will be sitting on the shelf looking nice and shiny with my new copy of Life and Death, the genderswapped retelling.

Random Books

All of these books were in perfect condition, and I got about every book I could find there. There may have been more, particularly some small paperback series’ that I had to overlook simply because I didn’t have the money to buy it all. But since this place wants to do it every Sunday, I will be able to definitely go there again sometime to see if they will have more.

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  1. Girl with a Pen says:

    Whoa what a great haul and find

    1. I know right?! I’m still in shock. The only sad thing is that they are having a bigger book sale/charity event next week that I will miss. I saw some nice books that they were sorting for that today

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