Book Reviews

Princess ARC Review (Freya Snow Book 10)

Princess (Freya Snow, #10)

Freya has been enjoying her relationship with her Soulbound, Damon. She has been able to reconnect with Damon’s relatives and spend time with her best friend Sarah, who has also found her Soulbound. Damon spent some time in the Underworld while they were separated, and Freya finds out that she has a lot of news to catch up on. This leads to her deciding to research her heritage again, and possibly go into the Underworld to find her father. Doing so reveals more secrets about her past.

My favorite part of this story was not the main plot but seeing Freya’s relationship with Damon repeat itself. I loved him and his family in the earlier books and how accepting they were of Freya, so seeing them again almost felt like a family reunion.

I don’t want to spoil anything, so I am going to leave it here, but there are definitely some important twists that I absolutely loved.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a series featuring a diverse group of characters and an addicting plot.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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