Blog Tour, Book Reviews

Pete and Daisy Blog Tour Plus Review

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Pete & Daisy
by Tani Hanes
Genre: NA Romance

Release date: May 14th 2018


He needs a place to live, she needs a baby daddy.
Pietro Santangelo and Marguerite White are students at prestigious Columbia University in New York City. She is a fun-loving, free spirit who finds herself in a bit of a familial bind, he is an exchange student with a chronic case of poverty. They concoct a plan that they think will work, not realizing how much changes with two simple words

My Review

This book is an unconventional love story between a girl who is in her twenties and pregnant by a man she does not know, and a boy who desperately needs a place to live. They decide to get fake-married so that he will be able to stay in the United States, and they are planning to also get fake-divorced within a year. When her grandmother puts them in a one-bedroom apartment together and everyone expects them to be acting like a couple, they start to realize that a fake relationship might not be as easy as it seems. Not to mention the fact that they start o actually have strange feelings towards each other.

Daisy was a unique main character. She knew what her desires were, and knew that people thought that she just slept around all the time, and she didn’t want to care. Sometimes she couldn’t help but feel hurt, but she tried not to let it affect her too much. She got into a relationship with Pete for convenience and so that her grandmother would get off her back, but she still wants to be herself and not be tied down to one person. Sometimes she seemed a bit annoying in her stubbornness, even though Pete was simply trying to protect her. But overall, she was definitely a fun character to read about.

Pete was also unique. He didn’t want to tell his wife everything originally, but when people from his past start to show up, he has to admit some things. He definitely warms up to Daisy faster, but he isn’t a one-dimensional character. In some ways, he was wiser than her and kept her from getting herself hurt several times.

The world-building of this novel was definitely great for a lover of NYC. For people who have never gone to NYC, they might miss some of the smaller hints. However, for everyone else the hints were prevalent. I definitely loved almost being able to “see” where Pete and Daisy were from my own experiences in going to NYC.

The pacing of this novel was also perfect. It was pretty fast, but that was not a bad thing> I was able to go through the entire novel in about two hours, making it the perfect afternoon romance read. Also, there were absolutely no editing errors. Everything was simply lovely!

I would recommend this book to romance lovers and anyone looking for a new unconventional romance story.

I received an advanced copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Pete merely looked at her and opened a box of books. He took some out and began placing them on the shelves, bending and stretching at his task. He had a nice back, broad shoulders and muscles that could be seen clearly under his light blue T-shirt.
Daisy watched for a minute, fascinated.

“Like what you see?” he asked without turning around.

She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Well, you’re the only thing in the room that’s moving, you know?” she said by way of explanation.

He turned around to look at her, books in either hand, a small grin on his face. “Of course, what was I thinking?” he asked rhetorically. “And look. We’re both adults here, hm?” He looked carefully at her. “The couch we just brought up here cost fifty dollars at the second-hand store, and has to be at least thirty years old. I don’t want to sleep on it, and I don’t think you’re going to want to sleep on it, either.”

She shook her head.

“So the bed is nice and big,” he continued. “I think we can manage, don’t you? We can share the bed.” He watched her for her reaction. “I give you my word this is not going to be a problem for me. At all. Is this going to be a problem for you?”

She looked at him. “Really? At all?” She recovered from the unintentional meaning of his words quickly. “No, it won’t be a problem for me, either,” she said firmly. “We can share the bed.”

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My name is Tani Hanes, and I am a 51 year old substitute teacher. I’m from central California and am a recent transplant to New York City. The most important things to know about me are that I’m punctual, I love grammar and sushi, and I’m very intolerant of intolerance. The least important things to know about me are that I like to knit and I couldn’t spell “acoustic” for 40 years. I’ve wanted to write since I was ten, and I finally did it. If you want to write, don’t wait as long as I did, it’s pointless, and very frustrating!

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  1. Great review . I want to read it asap😚😙😍

  2. tanihanes says:

    Wonderful, thanks, hope you enjoy it!!

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