Song I Listened To While Reading This: This story follows the life of a young boy named Elliot who is taken from the human world to the Borderlands, where he is greeted by magical creatures and warriors. We see him grow from age 14-17 and he goes on many adventures with his friends Selene and …
Hogwarts Bookstagram Challenge from K&K’s Book Nook!
Merry Christmas to all! I hope you all have a happy Christmas and New Year! This will probably be the last post until after New Years Day. I look forward to getting more involved with this blog and reviews. The photo above is the Hogwarts themed bookstagram challenge we came up with for the month […] …
Castaway Heart Review
Look at this beautiful mermaid picture! Lyna always disliked her twin sister Dyna’s mate, Hian. She always thought that he lacked honor, but she had no proof that he was hurting her sister. She could only go off what her sister looked like when he was around: dejected and sad. However, when she sees Hian …
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful day spent with family and/or friends and receives plenty of books! If you receive a gift card, you’re in luck, because I will be reviewing more books today and giving you more recommendations!
The Earl’s Defiant Wallflower
Oliver returns from war to find that his father has died, and has left him penniless. He must find an heiress to marry that will provide him with the money he needs to build up his estate and pay his servants. Grace is in England living with her grandparents in order to satisfy the terms …
Fire, Fury, Faith Review
Issa passes away after trying to protect his family and tribe from slave traders. He is given a second chance at life as an angel and has been a Guardian Angle for four centuries. Now, his wife has been attacked and almost killed by a rogue demon, so he goes on the hunt. Serwa knows …
The Samurai Code Review
Hiram Kane is in Japan when a horrible storm damages the area where he’s staying. He joins the rescue team to try and help as many survivors as possible. The boss of the mob Yazuka is retiring but he is determined to get revenge on a centuries-old enemy. Kane knows that the honor of a …
The Honorable Rosalind’s Heart Review
This might show up as a series in the picture, but I have this book on my phone and it is not a series, and it is only around 100 phone pages long. Therefore, I am not sure what to consider it as, but I am just going to review it as if it …
Trident Review (Freya Snow Book 8)
Song I Listened to while Reading This: Freya and Alex had to separate, and so now Freya is traveling back to her friends Sarah and Mel whom she hasn’t seen in over a year. Out of the blue, Mel’s relatives start sending assassins after her. Mel’s mother was an heir to the House of Atlantis, …
2017 Year In Book Review Tag
I was hunting around for an end of the year book tag, and I stumbled across this one at @Malanie Loves Fiction . Onto the tag! 1. First Ever Female Doctor Who: favorite female protagonist. I actually have 2 for this one. First, I love Freya Snow from the Freya Snow series. She is a strong female protagonist …