Book Reviews

Oracle Review (Freya Snow Book 4)

Oracle (Freya Snow Book 4) by [Mawson, L.C.]

Freya Snow has been losing her passion. Ever since she lost some of her memories, her grades have started to slip, she can’t sleep, and her relationship with Damon has been completely ruined. An Oracle goes missing, and Freya Snow is asked by Fate to do the job of tracking. However, when the mission connects her to her sister Alice, Freya realizes that there is more to Fate than meets the eye and that the Oracle does not want to be found.

Another amazing book by LC Mawson. For those who were irritated by the romance in the previous novel, this is the book for you. It takes Freya back to her roots at the beginning of the series where she is simply fighting demons and finding more people related to her heritage.

My favorite part of this story was hearing more about Alice’s relationship with her aunt. I always wanted to know what was going on with her in the past few books, and so this story seemed to catch me up on all she had been doing while Freya was with Damon and her new foster parents.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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