Book Reviews

One False Note (39 Clues #2)

One False Note - The 39 Clues Wiki - Wikia

Amy, Dan, and Nelly must travel to Vienna in order to find the next clue on their hunt, and they are looking for something related to Mozart. Nelly speaks German, but other than having a young adult au pair, Amy and Dan are completely on their own. After shaking the other members of the family in the last book, Amy and Dan are being watched almost constantly by the other members of their family who are waiting for their chance to take out the less experienced team.

This book was shorter than I remember, and somehow I managed to read it in about an hour this morning. This did not make it any less enjoyable though. I loved hearing Amy be able to contribute more to this part of the quest, as she knows quite a lot about Mozart. Dan’s photographic memory was also highlighted in this book, specifically with some parts of the music. One of my favorite parts about the 39 Clues series was seeing Amy and Dan become stronger individually and closer as siblings, and this book was truly the start of that. Amy starts to grow from being a shy, stuttering little mouse to being a genuine threat to the other teams. Dan starts to become more mature and helpful, even in the more boring parts of the mission. And Nelly, one of the most dedicated nannies ever, shows her worth in being fluent in so many languages, and assisting Amy and Dan in their missions.

I recommend this series to anyone looking for a mystery/action/adventure/spy series appropriate for ages 10 and up.

Overall Rating: 5/5



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