Book Reviews

New Blog Name!


When I first created this blog, I did not plan for it to blow up like this. To be honest, I was not even sure if it would last the year. I just knew that blogging was something that I wanted to do, and I hoped to be able to make it into a steady hobby before I entered college. Now, 2017 is almost over, and this blog has positively blown up in the past year. When I first made this blog I simply attached 2017 to the end to make the name because I couldn’t come up with anything new, but now I plan to continue with this so I wanted to give it a more permanent name. When I get to have my own house or apartment, I want to have a small area of my own just for reading, or my own “book nook”. This is impossible now as I finish my senior year of high school and head off to college, where I will most likely spend the next 4 years in a small shared dorm or apartment. But this blog will always be a small area for myself, for me to keep track of what I read and to keep track of my books. Therefore, this will be my “book nook” until I can have an official one of my own! Tell me in the comments how you like the new design!

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  1. Quite cute! I love the stars on the blue sky ♥️

    1. Oooooohhhh the dog on the book is very cool! lol, I totally misunderstood … ♥️

      1. Its cool! You gave me an idea for something new

    2. Thank you! Maybe I will incorporate that somewhere on the site.

  2. FifteenthWonder says:

    The name’s actually pretty cute. I agree, it’s more creative and fun!

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