Book Reviews

My Short Stories Review

My Short Stories: Book Two

Anne Shier’s My Short Stories is a collection of stories that give the reader glimpses into the lives of different characters. The novel isn’t a complete standalone, as two or three stories are continued from Shier’s previous short story collection, but most can be read with no prior context.

The two stories that I liked the most were The Starvers and The Evil Evangelist. Even though both were a bit fast-paced, they drew me in and created a complete story out of a little bit of content.

The story that I liked the least was Living in Euphoria. Even though it sounded promising, the big “plot twist” seemed to just be tossed in there with no prior context, and I ended up not sympathizing with the characters that I was supposed to by the end of the story.

Overall, I would rate this collection 3.5 out of 5 stars. The majority of the stories were well-written and interesting, but a handful felt far too rushed to be classified as a full short story. I would still recommend this and the previous short story collection by Anne Shier to anyone looking for a new collection of stories about a variety of interesting topics.

I received this book for free and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 books



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