Book Reviews

Mother’s Misfortune Review (Perrault Chronicles 1.4)

Mother’s Misfortune

This short story is about Rilla’s stepmother and stepsisters, and what happens to them after Rilla is gone. I won’t spoil this short story, but I definitely enjoyed the stepmother being less of a one-dimensional character like she is in the fairytale and actually being given an interesting backstory. The mother and daughters go on a journey over land and sea, and we get to see more of their true colors shine through.

My only complaint about this story was that it was a little on the short side. Even though it is a novelette, I found myself being so drawn into the story that I wanted to see more of the stepsisters and their mother’s storyline. I always feel that fairytale retellings forgot them, but this one didn’t and I enjoyed every minute of the backstory.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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